While we build our rig for eventual travels (and while we’re on the road), we have established a couple of “side hustles” as many Skoolies have done. One of these is low-to-medium content books, available on Amazon (KDP). Here is a collection of our books currently available for purchase… the list is ever-expanding!
Hopefully you’ll see a notebook, log book or other publication that suits your needs or strikes your fancy. Please consider a purchase, we very much appreciate it!
If you want a particular kind of book or a specific cover design, let us know! We’d be happy to accommodate: tikivaroomskoolie [at] gmail [dot] com
Click on any cover below to access the Amazon page directly.
The Universe Catalog Series – Assisting in Manifesting Your Desires
Charcuterie Planners!
Skoolie Journals! Log Books and Build Books Coming Soon!
Animal Themed Journals – College Ruled
Spooky Themed Journals – College Ruled
Handwriting Practice! Adult Themed Handwriting practice books Coming Soon!